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La publication sur Facebook Atelier Mercredi Ça fait plus d’un an que je n’ai pas travaillé la couleur pour la…


Thomas Collet Biography par Stéphane Raveyre Author and director Peintre, vidéaste, metteur en scène Born March 3, 1976 in Die…


Diffuse background-Oil monotypes on Fabriano paper. 64 individuals. Handmade frame by the artist.-Oil monotypes on Fabriano paper. 64 individuals. Handmade…

Ran12 – La Mer

Sea-Large assemblage of 576 monotypes (217,5 x 137,5 cm) forming a deep, aquatic ensemble.With the sun, greens turn blue and…


Quarrels of light and shade- Prussian blue, Naples yellow, cadmium red, zinc white. 64 monotypes assembled in 8 by 8.…


2005 / December 2011 Dimensions: 176 x 146 cm / 176 x 146 cm Ran Pig skins and leftover soot…


Under the sea-The depth levels were chosen according to the installation and not by geometry or mathematical relationship.

The Ran1 Story

It was in 2011 while preparing an exhibition of my etchings that I almost mechanically stapled these monotypes together by…


Like a puddle-Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut in 3 mm slices. Hand-machined parquet strips.


2016 / 2024 Dimensions: 9,5 x 13,3 EN – Ajoutez votre titre ici Like tiny fossils caught in ancient, frozen…


Another autumn-The depth levels were chosen according to the installation and not by geometry or mathematical relationship.


Images Ran7.4 – Catalog Written messages / Messages Écrits Spoken Words / Paroles Images Ran7.4 – Catalog Written messages /…


Rift and an another autumn. 25 individuals (5x5). Echizen paper. Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut…

Ran9-6 b

2022 / 2024 Dimensions: 16,7 x 23 cm Ran9.6-b Quarrels of light and shade. Medium Prussian blue, Naples yellow, cadmium…


Thick skies-64 individuals (8x8 individuals). Each individual is approximately 6.4x9cm. Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut…


2022 /2024 Dimensions: 17 x 23,1 cm Ran9.5-b Diffuse background Medium Oil monotypes on Fabriano paper. 20 individuals. Glued on…


The carpet that dominates us- 25 individuals (5x5). Echizen paper. Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut…


2016 Dimensions: 136,5 x 192 cm Ran5.A The sculpture of life Medium 420 monotypes in oil on Fabriano paper (20…

楽 Ajoutez votre titre ici Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis,…


Gologotha - 2+1 - Three monotypes chosen from Ran7's matrices. Fabriano paper, pigment and linseed oil enhanced flush with the…


2016 / 2024 Dimensions: Ran5-C-10 Like tiny fossils caught in ancient, frozen grass Medium 8 monotypes in oil on Fabriano…

Ran7.5 – Vidéos

Images Cartel À la Croisée des Chemins (Fr) At The Crossroads (En) Ran 7.5 – Messages Ran7.5 – Vidéos Images…


Jaja- 1916-Finished on November 11, I strongly thought of the Poilus who fought at Verdun in 1915. The background is…


2016 / 2024 Dimensions: 9,5 x 20 cm Ran5-C-7 Like tiny fossils caught in ancient, frozen grass Medium 6 monotypes…


2016 / 2024 Dimensions: 33,3 x 18,3 cm Ran5-C-11 Like tiny fossils caught in ancient, frozen grass Medium 10 monotypes…

L'Echelle d'Ange

Je suis un Titre Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar…


Salami 1917-Finished on 11 November, I thought a lot about the Tommies, the British soldiers who fought on the Somme…


2016 / 2024 Dimensions: 9,5 x 20 cm Ran5-C-9 Like tiny fossils caught in ancient, frozen grass Medium 2 monotypes…


2016 / 2024 Dimensions: 33,7 x 36 cm Ran5-C-8 Like tiny fossils caught in ancient, frozen grass Medium 20 monotypes…


Sky Brick-64 individuals (8x8 individuals). Each individual is approximately 6.4x9cm. Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut…

© Thomas Collet | Ran & others artworks |

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