Monotype glued to its base and backed with two nails. Directly from Ran7 series N°35. It was used as a standard: a martyr to gauge the mixtures of colours. Fabriano paper, pigment and oil. There is no frame on this piece.
Wood from a pallet, cleaned, sanded and nourished with linseed oil.
This piece is the image of the ‘unified’ Ran7.1. It picks up on the upward dynamic, the wood and the nails. The absence of a frame is also inspired by Ran7, an exponential plastic piece therefore devoid of physical limits. The monotype dates from 2017. The work was completed in November 2019.
Cette pièce est à lʼimage du Ran7.1 « unifié ». Il reprend la dynamique ascendante, le bois et les clous. Lʼabsence de cadre est elle aussi inspirée de Ran7, pièce plastique exponentielle donc dépourvue de limites physiques. Le monotype datede2017. Lʼobjet fut réalisé en Novembre 2019.
© Thomas Collet | Ran & others artworks |
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