| Ran7 | Photos Ran7.4 – Catalog Written messages / Messages Écrits Spoken Words / Paroles | Ran7 | Photos…
| Ran7 | Photos Ran7.4 – Catalog Written messages / Messages Écrits Spoken Words / Paroles | Ran7 | Photos…
Menu | Ran7 | Photos Cartel Interview Vidéos | Ran7 | Photos Cartel Interview Vidéos Last 24 hours of the…
| Ran7 | Photos Cartel Poème / Poem Premiers Monotypes / First Monotypes Recherches / Research Vidéos Catalogue | Ran7…
Ladder- In the first approaches the principles of Ran7.1 have been transposed. In particular, we find the use of nails…
Two black Lines-Always mindful of the problems of edges and boundaries this assembly is not protected by any frame and…
Skeleton-The object is inspired by the idea that I have of articulation and skeleton... Behind the starch papers, to give…
Wisteria-The order is the opposite of what I was able to do on Ran7. The first layers are blue while…
Daisy-Typical of the hundreds of very small monotypes made from the remains of matrices, this one is a good representation…
Australia-Selected monotype. This monotype is part of a series of Ran7 matrix remains but was quickly isolated from the others.…
Blue stained glass- Thirty five selected monotypes. Some are from Ran7 matrices, others are older. Various types of paper, pigment…
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