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    • VR8-Ran8.0

mai 27, 2024/

2022 /2024 Dimensions: 17 x 23,1 cm Ran9.5-b Diffuse background Medium Oil monotypes on Fabriano paper. 20 individuals. Glued on…

Ran9-6 b

mai 27, 2024/

2022 / 2024 Dimensions: 16,7 x 23 cm Ran9.6-b Quarrels of light and shade. Medium Prussian blue, Naples yellow, cadmium…


octobre 31, 2023/

The carpet that dominates us- 25 individuals (5x5). Echizen paper. Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut…


octobre 31, 2023/

Thick skies-64 individuals (8x8 individuals). Each individual is approximately 6.4x9cm. Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut…


octobre 31, 2023/

Rift and an another autumn. 25 individuals (5x5). Echizen paper. Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut…


octobre 31, 2023/

Another autumn-The depth levels were chosen according to the installation and not by geometry or mathematical relationship.


octobre 31, 2023/

Like a puddle-Monotypes on paper, oil, pigments. Mdf panel, pine strips cut in 3 mm slices. Hand-machined parquet strips.


octobre 31, 2023/

Under the sea-The depth levels were chosen according to the installation and not by geometry or mathematical relationship.


octobre 31, 2023/

Quarrels of light and shade- Prussian blue, Naples yellow, cadmium red, zinc white. 64 monotypes assembled in 8 by 8.…


octobre 31, 2023/

Diffuse background-Oil monotypes on Fabriano paper. 64 individuals. Handmade frame by the artist.-Oil monotypes on Fabriano paper. 64 individuals. Handmade…

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